Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Flying clubs

Jumping right in-----Howdy folks. I haven't had time or money to work on the Commercial certificate yet. Also, the flying club's 182RG has been in the shop for most of the year repairing gear-up damage so I've been waiting on that to get finished since I'll need it for the checkride. It should be back on line in a couple more weeks so I'll be looking into starting the training early in 2005. I'll have to get back onto studying for the written too. I've made a few trips using my instrument rating but actual instrument conditions have been hard to come by. If its been a good IMC day, then I've either been busy or sick. It's funny how after you get the instrument ticket that you often look outside during the Fall months and think, "It sure looks like a good day to fly with that nice overcast layer at 1200 feet."

On another flying topic, I've been toying with the idea of starting another flying club. I LOVE the Southwest Flying Club and don't have any plans to leave but I was wondering if there are enough other Houstonians to start another flying club or a small partnership? The only other club near me that I have info on is the Sugar Land Flying Club. Compared to my club, their monthly dues are less ($35 verses $85), but their planes cost more per hour ($79 verses $58 for a 172). After that, the differences are numerous. The Sugar Land club does have more planes which include a two 172s, a 182, an AA5 Grumman, A36 Bonanza, and a C310 which give more aircraft options than the SWFC's 172, 182, and 182RG. I have 2 main requirements in my flying: 1: I want to be able to fly cheaply when I'm just out by myself (which accounts for about 90% of my flying time), and 2. I need to be able to carry my family (me, wife, and 2 boys) along with luggage/supplies when we go on trips. With that being said, I need a 2-seater for me and my charts for most of the time, and access to a 206 or Cherokee Six for the occasional family trips. More to follow later...

Has anybody seen a Flight Design CT or a Remos G-3 in person? I'd like to fly one of those one day. They look look like a fun little toy to have if the Euro to Dollar rate was more favorable. Drop me a line if you have any input.

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