Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Previous 24 Hours

Things that I did in the last 24 hours, not necessarily in order and say if I did something at 9am and again later at 1pm, it’ll only be listed once.

  • Took the kids to Daycare.
  • Played Mario Bros on the Wii
  • Organized most of my digital photos on my home PC (need to archive some to CD/DVD storage later)
  • Quicken
  • Went to the grocery store (on the way back from taking the kids to daycare)
  • Watched some WWII in HD while doing other stuff.
  • Oh, and it was a work-from-home day so I did some work stuff.
  • Played Farmville

And don’t worry… “Pick the kids up from Daycare” isn’t listed, but they WERE picked up!  

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